Andrew Leach: First Nations Management Consulting and Interim Manager

Hi! My name is Andrew Leach.  First, a few facts about me:

  • St’at’imc Nation Member (Interior BC, Canada)
  • Raised by grandparents on Squamish Reserve
  • Bachelors and Masters degrees in Business
  • Management Consultant, Andrew Leach & Associates (

My passion is to learn and teach anything that is related to MANAGEMENT.

I am a long time subscriber to Harvard Business Review. It is my favorite periodical. According to Wikipedia, “HBR’s articles cover a wide range of topics that are relevant to different industries, management functions, and geographic locations. They focus on such areas as leadership, organizational change, negotiation, strategy, operations, marketing, finance, and managing people.”

Over the years, I have learned a lot from reading HBR articles. Indeed, I have applied many of their ideas into my professional (and personal) life.

For example, while doing my undergraduate degree, I came across John P. Kotter’s “Leading Change” article (HBR, May 1995). That article really opened my eyes to organizational change in general and Indigenous community change in particular.

I tweaked Kotter’s 8 Step Model to Change to fit Indigenous environments and started applying that in my management consulting work. Within a few years, I became very busy doing First Nations organizational change work.

To this day, helping Indigenous leaders with organizational change is a mainstay of my consulting practice.

I especially like that HBR articles are quick reads. Executive life is so fast and full, it can be a challenge to stay on top of our professional development. But we must! Digesting to-the-point articles is one good approach. 

Thus, this Blog will focus on summarizing and interpreting published, well known leadership and management articles. My purpose is to create a space where those who hold Indigenous leadership positions can exchange important, timely and relevant management ideas.

I welcome your ideas and comments!
